We utilize the best technical platform for execution and have experience bending technology to specific research needs.  From the inception of StrataVerve in 2000, we have embraced state of the art and emerging technology in everything we do.

StrataVerve ExecutionOnline Research

We were on the cutting edge of online market research at its origin, when major clients and supplier organizations were just beginning to test out the effectiveness of online research.

Best Technology Available

We did a major review and search for the best online market research platform that would enable us to accomplish the same level of sophistication and size of research projects the “big guys” do, but at a more efficient cost of a smaller supplier.  We found and continue to license the most robust online research platform, “Confirmit.”

Panel Building

We were on the forefront of building online research panels to address needs of specific niche markets.  Our platform selection was based on giving us the capability to build and manage panels with full research specificity and flexibility. We have built several successful small scale targeted panels that have effectively enabled us to offer our clients better value for the money, as well as efficient respondent sampling.

iPad Use

We are one of the first research companies to purchase a fleet of iPads to apply their use in a traditional Central Location Test setting.  This enables us to better leverage the platform and avoid the cost and inefficiency of on-paper surveys for CLTs.


We use our own video cam package and service to stream qualitative interviews live to our clients from anywhere and to anyplace.  StrataVerve video capability offers clients…

  • Lively quantitative reports: We can edit together qualitative video clips of consumers to supoort quantiative findings and bring a report to life, so clients can hear it straight from the consumer.
  • Travel savings:  No need to travel to the research site to listen to interviews or focus groups.  Video of the research can be watched in real time or at a later more convenient time, at your own location.
  • Time Savings:  Not every client has hours to review interviews or sit in on focus groups.  Edited video footage reduces the time requirements on clients, so they can review efficiently without missing the story.
  • Long Distance or Advanced Review of research setup:  Clients do not need to travel to view and approve our research setup before research starts.  We can stream the setup live to remote clients to ensure excellence.